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Animate! "Seal" black sheep team role at the end of story

2016-09-29 00:57:44来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 《封印者》开发商Naddic Games的设计师在今年CJ上透露了同名动画片的消息,而昨日韩服运营商Nexon也曝光了封印者动画制作的新情报。 据悉,《封印者》动画名为《Closers:Side Blacklambs》(暂译,《封印者:黑羊小队轶事》),由韩国Studio ...

Sina game - "the seal" developers Naddic Games designer on CJ this year revealed the animated film with the same message, but yesterday han2 fu2 operators Nexon and exposes seal animation of the new information. It is reported, "the seal" animation called "Closers: Side Blacklambs" (n, seal: black sheep small anecdotes), by South Korea's Studio...