新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF情感海报引共鸣,疑似将有新动向


DNF emotional poster resonance, the suspect will have new trends

2016-05-22 04:11:06来源: 电玩巴士

近期DNF发布了一组“不要只顾前行,那些年被遗忘的精彩”的动人海报,通过对玩家游戏记忆的多维触及,在论坛,贴吧引发一阵回忆热潮。 DNF作为一个承载8年情感的经典游戏,有太多风景和故事可供诉说。玩家在论坛和贴吧的积极分享,不由让人感慨,经典游戏所维系的情感力量。 玩家回忆热潮,那...

DNF recently released a group of "do not just go forward, those years forgotten wonderful" moving posters, through the multidimensional touch of the player's game memory, in the forum, post bar triggered a wave of memories. DNF as a classic 8 years of emotional games, there are too many stories and stories to tell. Players in the forum and post bar to actively share, not by the emotion, the emotional power of the classic game to maintain. Players recall boom, that...

标签: DNF