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And you back to the original "asked" mobile game platform all open beta today

2016-04-28 00:51:43来源: 17173

4月28日,《问道》手游全平台公测开启!iOS版将于4月28日10:00开服,而安卓版也将于4月28日11:00开服,还没下载、创建角色的道友们,速速拿起手机下载游戏并创建角色,一起静候公测钟声的到来! 扫码下载《问道》手游 【公测新玩法揭晓】 4月28日《问道》手游公测,特加...

On April 28, "asked" mobile game platform open beta! IOS version at 10:00 on April 28, open, and android version will be held on 28 April 11, haven't download, create the role of friends, quickly picked up the phone to download the game and create a role, with the arrival of waiting for open beta bell! Sweep the code download "asked" mobile game on April 28, announced new gameplay demo 】 【 "asked" mobile game open beta, and...

标签: 手游