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武魂觉醒启动修仙新征途 《新苍穹之剑》新版上线..

Eternal awakening start new journey "the sword of the new sky cultivate immortality version online..

2016-04-12 14:56:15来源: 4399

由蓝港互动打造的全民修真手游《新苍穹之剑》即将迎来新版本更新,全新武魂觉醒助力修仙之路,更有新时装新仙宠携海量福利来袭。修仙之路道阻且长,一切由你自己掌握! 收集武魂珠 技能提高不在话下 在此次版本更新中,50级及以上的仙友可以体验全新玩法——武魂珠。作为《新苍穹之剑》修仙系统开放的...

By the blue port interaction makes the fix true mobile game "the sword of the new sky will soon celebrate the new version update, new power way to cultivate immortality, eternal awakening more new fashion fairy familiar with huge benefits. Cultivate immortality road way resistance and long, all held by yourself! Collect eternal bead skills improve In this updated version, fairy level 50 and older friends can experience a new play -- eternal beads. As the new heaven sword "cultivate immortality system open...