新关注 > 信息聚合 > 电影级科幻网游《极点进化》将于4.13开启三测


Movie level science online pole evolution will open at 4.13 three sensors

2016-04-12 14:37:58来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 科幻网游《极点进化》将于4月13日开启第三次内测。游戏使用电影互动式手法来制作游戏的主线剧情,代入感更强。《极点进化》采用自研引擎开发,展现出一个科幻世界。 经过首测和二测的磨练,《极点进化》不断对游戏进行优化调整。在4月13日的三测中,玩家将看到更流畅、更精致的游戏画面...

Sina game - Evolutionary science online game "pole" will be open for the third time closed on April 13. Game interactive technique are used to make the main story, the sense is stronger. Using the research engine development pole evolution, show a science fiction world. After first and second measurement and the pole evolution constantly optimize the game. In the three sensors on April 13th, players will see more smooth, more delicate game picture...

标签: 网游 电影