新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《劲舞团》正版手游即将封测 指尖劲舞回忆如初

《劲舞团》正版手游即将封测 指尖劲舞回忆如初

"Dance mission" is genuine Mobile Games beta finger dance memories again

2016-04-12 14:03:04来源: 游久网

【游久网4月12日消息】还记得第一次进入《劲舞团》,跟着音乐敲击键盘的手忙脚乱吗?还记得初次加入舞团家族,第一次向心动的TA羞涩表白的瞬间吗?我们的青春记忆《劲舞团》终于要推出正版手游啦! 点击进入:新游戏频道 | 官方网站 《劲舞团》手游四月即将狂欢封测,现在关注官方公众号(jw...

[news] April 12th tour long network also remember the first time into the "dance mission", follow the music with the keyboard? Remember the first time to join the dance troupe family, for the first time to the heart of TA shy confession moment? Our memories of youth "dance group" will finally launch genuine Mobile Games! Click to enter: new game channel | official website "audition" Mobile Games forthcoming April Carnival beta, now pay attention to the official public number (jw...

标签: 手游