新关注 > 信息聚合 > AlphaGo确认将挑战星际2 谷歌与暴雪沟通中

AlphaGo确认将挑战星际2 谷歌与暴雪沟通中

AlphaGo confirmed Starcraft 2 will challenge Google in communication with Blizzard

2016-03-27 15:54:16来源: 新浪

暴雪娱乐制作总监Tim Morten 据游戏媒体报道。 日前,暴雪娱乐制作总监Tim Morten在WCS中国站决赛上表示,AlphaGo确认将挑战《星际争霸2》,但谷歌目前正在和暴雪沟通,具体细节还没有确定。 “AlphaGo”日前可是吸引了全世界网友的关注,甚至有不少游戏...

Blizzard Entertainment game production director Tim Morten According to media reports. Recently, Tim Morten Blizzard Entertainment production director at the WCS China represents the final station, AlphaGo confirm the challenge "StarCraft 2", but Google is working with Blizzard to communicate the specific details have not been determined. "AlphaGo" But recently attracted the attention of users around the world, and even many game ...

标签: 暴雪 谷歌