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《索尼克:爆破 火与冰》上市时间确定为9月

"Sonic: fire and ice blasting" time to market for September

2016-03-21 15:42:38来源: 电玩巴士

近日,世嘉宣布《索尼克:爆破》系列最新作——《索尼克:爆破 火与冰》将于2016年9月27日发售。 本作原本上市日期为2015年末,但“为了确保游戏的质量”,制作组选择了延期。游戏中引入了“火”与“冰”两个要素,玩家将在游戏中与老对手蛋头博士和新敌人D-Fekt对抗。 此外,20...

Recently, sega announced the sonic: blasting series latest - "blasting sonic: fire and ice" will go on sale on September 27, 2016. This original launch date for the end of 2015, but "in order to ensure the quality of the game," production team chose to delay. Game introduced two basic elements of "fire" and "ice", players in the game and Dr Old rival egg head and a new enemy D - Fekt confrontation. In addition, 20...

标签: 索尼 索尼克