新关注 > 信息聚合 > 谷歌将重返大陆 国内平台创新型渠道发展迅猛

谷歌将重返大陆 国内平台创新型渠道发展迅猛

Google will return to the mainland Domestic platform innovative channel developing rapidly

2016-02-23 15:12:45来源: 07073游戏网

从去年开始爆出离开中国市场5年的谷歌将重返中国大陆市场,并欲推出大陆定制版的Google Play应用商店的消息后。有关谷歌何时回归的消息就一直层出不穷,似乎并没有人怀疑谷歌回归的真实性,Google play商店进入中国市场似乎已经是板上钉钉。 Google Play入华消息不断发...

Since last year when 5 years of Google will leave China market to return to the mainland China market, and to introduce the mainland custom version of Google Play app store after the news. The news about Google when return has been emerge in endlessly, does not seem to have people doubt the truth of Google regression, Google play store seems to have to enter the Chinese market is certain. Google news Play into China continuously hair...

标签: 谷歌