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炉石传说电竞之星卡背获取方式 星际争霸2

BFS e-sports star legend, card access back Starcraft ii

2016-02-23 14:02:21来源: 电玩巴士

炉石卡背电竞之星之前在国服一直都是无法获得的,但是WCS世锦赛中国站即将开始,这也是国内可以获得该卡背的唯一方式,这里值得注意的是,WCS并非炉石比赛,而是暴雪旗下星际争霸2的比赛。 2016 赛季《星际争霸II》WCS世锦赛中国站将于3月21日-26日在上海举行,为期6天,其中决赛...

BFS e-sports star card back in the clothes has been unable to get before, but the WCS world championships in China is about to begin, it is also the domestic can obtain the card back, the only way here it is worth noting that the WCS not BFS, but blizzard's game starcraft ii. "Starcraft II" WCS world championships 2016 season in China on March 21-26 was held in Shanghai, after six days, the final...