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Daily JiaRuan: honor monument valley game of optical illusion

2016-02-22 07:52:05来源: 和讯网

纪念碑谷作为视错觉游戏中的经典作品,被许多游戏所模仿,今天笔者推荐的这款“Evo Explores”Evo探险在玩法和画面上和纪念碑谷都非常相似,而且是完全免费的,感兴趣的朋友推荐下载试玩。 每日佳软:致敬纪念碑谷的视错觉游戏 在Evo Explores中,玩家可以通过水平或竖直的...

Monument valley as a visual illusion in the game classic, imitation by many games, today the author recommended the "Evo Explores" Evo exploration on the way and the graphics are very similar and monument valley, and it is completely free, interested friends recommend download demo. Daily JiaRuan: honor monument valley game of optical illusion In the Evo Explores, players can through the horizontal or vertical...

标签: 游戏 纪念碑谷