新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015年Twitch游戏收看时长排行公布 PC电竞依然霸榜

2015年Twitch游戏收看时长排行公布 PC电竞依然霸榜

Twitch game watch length in 2015 was released e-sports is still the list on the PC

2016-02-14 16:58:44来源: 4399

Twitch作为全球最大的游戏视频直播平台之一,其站中游戏的直播时长一直受到全球游戏公司关注。近日,Gamoloco公布了2015年度的Twitch游戏收看时长排行,排行情况与去年差别不大。 根据榜单内容显示,PC电竞游戏依然是Twitch最受欢迎的直播内容类型。在榜单的第一梯队中排行...

Twitch as one of the world's largest live video game platform, its standing in the game live long has caught the attention of the global game company. Gamoloco recently released 2015 annual Twitch of the game to watch time, ranking situation with last year. E-sports games according to the content of the list, according to the PC is still a Twitch of the most popular live content type. In the list of the top tier of...

标签: 游戏 电竞 PC Twitch