新关注 > 信息聚合 > 什么鬼?最适合VR的游戏竟不支持Oculus


What the hell? The most suitable for VR games did not support the Oculus

2016-01-25 06:56:49来源: 中关村在线

对于整个开发者群体来说,Oculus Rift 的亲和力无疑是远高于 HTC Vive 的。不过,《精英:危险》这款游戏的开发商日前竟宣布,本作将不会官方支持 Oculus Rift。 从某种角度上说,《精英:危险》和《星际公民》有些类似,都是太空科幻沙盘类游戏。不过相对于后者,《精...

The affinity for the developer community, the Oculus Rift is much higher than HTC Vive. However, the elite: dangerous unexpectedly announced before the game's developers, this will not be officially supported Oculus Rift. At some point, "elite: danger" and "star citizens" somewhat similar, is space science sand table games. But relative to the latter, the essence of...

标签: 游戏 VR Oculus