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兵种解析 星际争霸2“使徒”究竟强在哪?

> > > parse Starcraft ii "apostles" really strong?

2016-01-24 11:12:22来源: 17173

《星际争霸2:虚空之遗》自上线以来就深受广大电竞爱好者的喜爱,在《虚空之遗》版本中三大种族都添加了全新的兵种单位,其中星灵新单位“使徒”在近期饱受热议,国内外顶尖的非星灵选手纷纷表示使徒过于强势,造成了IMBAP的局面,那么“使徒”究竟强在哪?不要走开,答案即将揭晓! 使徒是《虚空之...

The legacy of starcraft ii: vanity since launch is loved by the majority of e-sports enthusiasts, in the legacy of vanity version of all three RACES to add a whole new unit, the spirit of new unit "apostles" in the near future under debate, both at home and abroad the spirit of players have said top ACTS too strong, causing IMBAP situation, then what "apostles" strong? Don't go away, being fought out! The apostle is "vanity...

标签: 星际争霸