新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《纪念碑谷》全球下载量超2400万次 不到1年增长..

《纪念碑谷》全球下载量超2400万次 不到1年增长..

"Monument Valley" global downloads exceed 1 times less than 24 million years of growth..

2016-01-08 11:51:38来源: 新浪

2015年1月15日,英国游戏公司Ustwo曾透露在当时,《纪念碑谷》在iOS、Android和亚马逊应用商店的官方累计下载量超过240万次。接近1年后的今天,这家公司称《纪念碑谷》全球下载总次数已经达到约2400万。 “数字很棒。但如果你将它与拥有移动设备并有可能热爱这款游戏的用户...

January 15, 2015, the British gaming company Ustwo has revealed that at the time, the Monument Valley in the iOS, Android and Amazon app store's official cumulative downloads more than 2 million 400 thousand times. Nearly 1 years later, the company said the "Monument Valley" global download has reached about 24 million of the total number of. "The number is great. But if you put it with a mobile device that has the potential to love this game...

标签: 纪念碑谷