新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《桃花源记》新服“琅琊天上”今日12时开启


"Peach garden" new suit "reed {langya} heaven" 12 when open today

2015-12-31 18:27:29来源: 17173

元旦来袭,为了给2015画上一个圆满的句号,《桃花源记》元旦新服放肆来袭,回顾年度好剧琅琊榜,“琅琊天上”带你走进猴年马月!今日12时,“琅琊天上”喜气开启。 喜气跨年 迎接一场风花雪月的相遇 元旦将至,一边憧憬着像韩剧主角一样打雪仗狂欢一边又畏惧着户外的温度。到《桃花源记》来玩...

New Year's day, to give 2015 draw a satisfactory full stop, "the shangri-la record" New Year's day new suit unbridled, reviewing annual list of reed {langya} good play, "reed {langya} heaven" take you into the date! 12 today, "reed {langya} heaven" happy to open. Happy New Year Meet to meet a sentimental New Year's day will come, and look forward to like Korean dramas protagonist snowball fights and fear of outdoor temperature. To the peach garden "to play...