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Video: okamoto, the game works

2015-12-31 17:20:52来源: 新浪

现在在日本有一个比较“奇怪”的现象,似乎名字里面带有“妖怪”或者“怪物”的游戏就一定会大卖特卖,前者有《口袋妖怪》、《妖怪手表》这样现象级别的游戏,而后者的《怪物猎人》、《怪物弹珠》也不遑多让。 说起《怪物弹珠》,这款游戏的制作人,正是我们今天要说的前CAPCOM元老、日本街机业叱咤...

Now in Japan has a more "strange" phenomenon, seems to be the name in the game with a "monster" or the "monster" will be big dubbing, the former has "pokemon", "the devil watch" phenomenon of such levels of the game, while the latter is the monster hunter, riches also let the monster marbles. Talking about the monster marbles, the game's producer, is what we say today before CAPCOM elders, Japan arcade industry wants...

标签: 游戏