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《锻冶屋英雄谭》亮相锤子T2发布会 你别说还真有..

The house smithing hero tan appearance hammer T2 conference You don't really have..

2015-12-31 16:50:10来源: 4399

12月29日晚在北京国家会议中心,锤子科技举办了2015产品发布会,宣告锤子手机——Smartisan T2的诞生。本次发布会上不仅介绍了T2手机的性能,还播放了游戏宣传视频,2D像素放置游戏《锻冶屋英雄谭》赫然在内。 时隔一年半,锤子科技会交上什么样的成绩单?新的Smartisan ...

On the evening of December 29, the national conference center in Beijing, the hammer held 2015 product of science and technology conference, declared the hammer phones - the birth of Smartisan T2. The conference not only describes the performance of T2 phones, also played the game propaganda video, 2 d pixel placement game "smithing house hero tan" impressively. After a year and a half, hammer technology will make what kind of report card? New Smartisan...