新关注 > 信息聚合 > 360手游绿皮书:安卓新游较上季度增加45.7%,卡..


360 Mobile Games Green Book: Android new Jiaoshangjidu increased 45.7% cards.

2015-12-31 16:12:30来源: 4399

近日,360发布了《2015年Q3中国手机游戏行业趋势绿皮书》报告回顾了Q3游戏市场的一些情况,同时公布了一些渠道核心数据,360手机游戏华南区商务总监张斌对此报告进行了详细的解读。 报告指出,在2015年第三季度当中,新增游戏环比上涨45.7%,新增游戏类型前五位分别为卡牌、角色扮演...

Recently, the 360 released the Q3 2015 China mobile games industry trend of green book report reviews the Q3 game market, also announced the key channel data, 360 mobile games in South China District Business Director Zhang Bin this report to carry on the detailed interpretation. The report pointed out that in the third quarter of 2015, the new game Rose 45.7%, the top five new game types were card, role play...

标签: 手游 安卓