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Jingdong Game+ teamed up with GALAXY gaming Carnival

2015-12-14 15:49:15来源: 科技讯

12月11日,2015影驰&NVIDIA嘉年华在武汉盛大开幕,京东3C事业部品牌合作与发展部总经理汪延领出席活动并讲话,与广大JD Game+粉丝一同见证了老OMG与老皇族擂鼓激战,全球超频盛典向世界纪录发起冲击等精彩时刻。作为广大玩家的伴侣与好友,JD Game+秉承“真的玩,玩真的”...

On December 11, 2015 Galaxy &NVIDIA Carnival in Wuhan grand opening, Jingdong 3C Business Department of the Ministry of cooperation and development of the brand, general manager of Wang Yanling attended the activities and speech, and the majority of JD game + fans to witness the old OMG and old royal Leigu guild wars, global overclocking ceremony to the world record issued impact moments. As a friend of the majority of players and friends, Game+ JD adhering to the "really play, really play"...