新关注 > 信息聚合 > 卡普空称《生化危机2》将会彻底重制


Capcom called "Resident Evil 2" will completely remake

2015-12-04 17:31:21来源: 新浪

近年来,重制游戏越来越多,在这之中,有许多仅仅是画面高清化的圈钱作品,而CAPCOM作为冷饭大王,自然需要避开这样的言论。 近日,Capcom最近在投资人报告中表示该作品将会是一个“复刻”版本,但是Capcom英国高级市场总监Stuart Turner在推特上澄清这是“翻译上的失误”...

In recent years, more and more game remake, in these, there are many high-definition screen is only with the money works, and as a left-CAPCOM King, naturally need to avoid such remarks. Recently, Capcom recently said in the investor report, the work will be an "Xtreme" version, but Capcom senior British marketing director Stuart Turner clarified on Twitter that the "errors of translation" ...

标签: 生化危机