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我萌来了 YY独代《刀剑物语》公测爆启

I of YY alone generation "sword" open beta rev

2015-12-04 15:49:18来源: 07073游戏网

我“萌”来啦!带着最可爱的造型,最靓丽的风景,最炫酷的战斗特技以及最富有特色的玩法,在今日YY独代《刀剑物语》公测中,为广大玩家献上最精彩刺激,萌趣无限的游戏体验。如果你是个动漫控,如果你是萌系迷,那么这款超级年度萌风大作一定不可错过,因为在这里,你将感受到史上最别有风味的游戏精彩! ...

I MOE! With the lovely modelling, the most beautiful scenery, the most cool stunts in battle and distinctive style, in YY alone the generation of the "sword" in the public beta today, for the majority of players to offer the most exciting, fun unlimited game of experience. If you're a animation control, if you are a fan of department, so this super annual of the wind was blowing must not miss, because here, you will feel in the history of the most distinctive flavour wonderful game! ...

标签: YY