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王者荣耀狄仁杰符文怎么搭配 狄仁杰符文搭配攻略

King glory production with runes Dee renjie rune match strategy

2015-12-04 16:00:26来源: 4399

问:王者荣耀狄仁杰符文怎么搭配? 推荐王者荣耀狄仁杰佩戴有攻速、暴击效果、穿透、暴击率属性的符文,高等级的符文可以大幅度的提高ADC的输出,尤其是暴击率。

Q: the glory of the king dee renjie rune how to match? Recommend king glory production effect of wearing a attack rate, crit, penetration, crit attribute runes, high-grade runes can greatly improve the output of the ADC, especially crit rate.

标签: 王者荣耀