新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2015移动游戏产业年度高峰会日程


2015 mobile game industry's annual summit agenda

2015-11-26 10:54:32来源: 18183

本届年会将以“产业赢响·多元趋动”为主题,倾情回顾2015年移动游戏产业发展态势;精心盘点移动游戏产业热点;深入解读移动游戏产业现象。 移动游戏产业年度高峰会(简称MGAS)一直以来以立足中国,放眼全球为目标,为国内外移动游戏产业精英、知名企业、国内外资本搭建平台,打造最具国际性、专...

This annual meeting will be in "industry win ring, this diversity" as the theme, sweeping review of mobile game industry development situation in 2015; Carefully review mobile game industry hot spot; Further decipher the phenomenon of the mobile gaming industry. Mobile game industry's annual summit (MGAS) has always been based on China, around the world as the goal, for the mobile gaming industry elite, well-known enterprises at home and abroad, the domestic and foreign capital platform, to build the most international and...

标签: 游戏