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The assault challenge mode through security analysis techniques

2015-11-26 10:40:45来源: 4399

挑战玩法是游戏中玩家经常挑战的关卡之一,不仅是因为有丰富的奖励,更能在好友甚至是全区排行中展现自己,玩家每闯关一关都会获得相应的积分,走得越远,积分也会越高,这就是玩家之间比拼的资本。 挑战战前准备 1、上阵道具的选择一定要有选择性,医疗包、无人机建议玩家必选,剩下的手雷或者火箭筒就...

Challenge game is often challenging levels, one of the game, the player is not only because a rich reward, more can show themselves in a friends even in the ranking, each recruit players will get the corresponding points, the farther, the integral will be higher, this is the competition between players in capital. Challenge the preparation before the selection of props, to battle must be selective, medical kits, unmanned aerial vehicle (uav) suggested the player will choose, the rest of the grenades or rocket launchers is...