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冒险解谜游戏《劳拉快跑》首更新 新增高难度谜题

Adventure puzzle game "Laura run first update New difficult puzzles

2015-11-26 11:17:53来源: 任玩堂

曾被任玩堂推荐过的冒险解谜游戏 Lara croft go 《劳拉快跑》现今推出了首部资料片“生命的碎片”,全新高难度谜题和多个收集元素等着你去冒险,下面就让我们来看看该资料片的详细内容吧。 本次更新更为危险的怪物会加入游戏中阻碍玩家的去路,还有 26 个更高难度的谜题等候着玩家去解开...

Has been recommended as a play hall adventure puzzle game Lara croft go Lara croft run today launched the first expansion "fragments of life", a new difficult puzzles and multiple collection element is waiting for you to take the risk, let's take a look at the details of the expansion. This update more dangerous monsters will join way to hinder the player in the game, there are 26 more difficult puzzle waiting for players to unlock...

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