新关注 > 信息聚合 > 续写英雄传奇 双排时代来临《王者荣耀》评测

续写英雄传奇 双排时代来临《王者荣耀》评测

Write heroic legend double row era, "King glory" evaluation

2015-11-23 18:27:22来源: 4399


With the intelligent mobile phone upgrade, Mobile Games industry has also ushered in a new era, after the elimination, leisure, puzzle, adventure game the most simple early game, MOBA finally entered the Mobile Games boom era, now many developers have shown their flagship MOBA hand tour. Tencent Inc in the game industry has a pivotal position, today Xiao Bian for everyone to introduce this "king of glory" by the Tencent's "day America studio" carefully pushed...

标签: 王者荣耀