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《怪物猎人OL》不删档临近 期待内容抢先看

"Monster hunter ol" does not delete files near forestalls to look "monster hunter ol" of the tour end by Tencent game and Capcom CO produced the hunt by

2015-11-02 16:10:32来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 由腾讯游戏和CAPCOM联合出品的狩猎端游《怪物猎人OL》,将于今年下半年开启不删档测试。目前,先遣体验进行之中。现在让我们提前盘点一下,年内的不删档测试有哪些值得期待的地方。 经典怪物 再现狩猎场 相信玩家最关心的是《怪物猎人OL》不删档测试中会有哪些新怪物,而先遣测...

Sina game news content of expectations, this year open later test does not delete files. At present, the advance experience. Now let us take a look at the time of the year, the year is not deleted file test which is worth looking forward to. Reproduction of the classic monster hunting field believe that players are most concerned about is the "monster hunter ol" test does not delete files will have what kind of new monsters and advance measure.

标签: 怪物猎人