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《我的世界》将支持Oculus Rift设备 神作走进现实

"My world" will support oculus rift Muse into reality

2015-09-26 04:23:51来源: 电玩巴士

近日,Oculus VR设备首席执行官Palmer Luckey对外公开表示沙盒游戏《我的世界》将为玩家提供虚拟现实玩法,并宣布未来的Windows 10版本游戏将支持Oculus Rift VR设备,预定在2016年春季上市;除此之外并未透露更多细节。 《我的世界》独特开放式的玩法...

recently, oculus VR equipment chief executive officer Palmer luckey publicly expressed the sandbox game, "my world" will be for players to provide virtual reality games, and announced that windows in the future 10 versions of the game will support the oculus rift VR equipment, book listed in the spring of 2016; in addition did not disclose more details. "My world" unique open play...

标签: 我的世界 Oculus