新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《守望先锋》公布新英雄路霸与狂鼠 曝演示视频

《守望先锋》公布新英雄路霸与狂鼠 曝演示视频

"Watch pioneer" announced new hero trooper and crazy rat exposure demo video

2015-09-23 12:00:42来源: 新浪

新浪游戏讯 9月23日消息,《守望先锋》在经过一系列的“犯罪时刻”内容宣传之后,现正式公布了两位臭名昭著的逃犯新英雄“路霸”与“狂鼠”。 路霸 全称:马可 拉特莱奇 年龄:48岁 职业:(前)打手、保镖 行动基地:(前)澳大利亚,拾荒镇 隶属:(前)拾荒者 英雄...

Sina game news news on September 23, "watch pioneer" after a series of "crime time" propaganda, now officially announced the new two infamous outlaw hero "Trooper" and "crazy mouse". The Roadmaster Name: Mark Rutledge age: 48 year old occupation: (former) thugs, bodyguard base of operations: (former) Australia, scavengers town membership: (before) scavengers hero...

标签: 视频 守望先锋