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AI自适应进化 《合金装备V》并非难度固定

Adaptive evolution AI difficulty of "Metal Gear Solid V" is not fixed

2015-09-23 10:00:26来源: 新浪

对于《合金装备》系列最新作《合金装备5:幻痛(Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain)》来说,除了本作拥有开放式的游戏地图之外,你可能已经发现了另一个很明显的改变就是,系列前作中一直采用的难度选择被取消了,难道这作中就只有一个难度吗? 当然不是,《合...

for the metal gear series of the latest "Metal Gear Solid 5: phantom pain (Metal Gear Solid V: the phantom pain)", in addition to the game maps with open, you may have discovered another very significant change is, series has been the difficulty selection was cancelled, does this is only a difficulty? Of course not, "he is."...

标签: 合金装备 AI