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《进击的巨人》TGS实机试玩 空中滑索斩杀巨人

The onslaught of the giant "TGS demo air strop beheaded giant Sina

2015-09-18 17:16:38来源: 新浪

光荣在本届东京电玩展(TGS2015)上正式公开了新游戏《进击的巨人》,此前制作组再三表示本作并非无双游戏。在今天光荣展位的活动上,游戏的实机试玩演示正式曝光。 现场强调,舞台现场展示的版本是为了东京电玩展特别准备的版本,包含 UI 和其他细节都和上市时会有出入。不过包含在路上行走、...

glory in this session of Tokyo Game Show (TGS2015) officially new game the onslaught of giants", after the production team repeatedly said that this isn't the warriors of the game. In today's glorious booth activities, the real machine demo demo game official exposure. On the spot, the scene shows the version is a special version of the Tokyo Game Show, including UI and other details will have access to the listing. But included in the road to walk,...