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冷饭终炒馊 《最终幻想7 G-BIKE》将停止运营

Rice cold end speculation rancid "Final Fantasy 7 G-BIKE" will stop operating

2015-09-17 17:08:59来源: 4399

继《最终幻想 Agito》宣布将于11月停止运营后,SE又一FF衍生手游《最终幻想7 G-BIKE》也难逃相同的厄运。一纸来自SE官方的声明宣判了这款游戏的命运。“10月13日起游戏内收费道具全部停止销售,12月15日必须关闭服务器”。从开始到黯然离场,这款游戏的寿命尚且不足一年。 作...

following the final fantasy Agito, announced that will stop operation in November, Se and FF derived Tour "Final Fantasy 7 G-BIKE" could not escape the same fate. A paper from the SE official statement condemned the fate of the game. "In October 13th the game charges all the props to stop the sale, in December 15th must be shut down the server". From the beginning to leave sadly, even the life of the game less than a year. For...

标签: 最终幻想