新关注 > 信息聚合 > 星际战斗其实很香艳!《星际传奇》美女英雄大盘点


Interstellar battle is actually very romantic! "Legend" star beauty hero the

2015-09-14 12:27:47来源: 不凡游戏网

星际战斗其实很香艳!《星际传奇》美女英雄大盘点 在《星际传奇》的世界中,诸位玩家扮演者以为在浩瀚星海中航行的一位自由之心舰长,率领着一众“千奇百怪”的英雄们进行着战斗。在这些英雄中,不乏如有像烈火、重炮这样的人类硬汉。不过,如果在漫长的星际航行中都是一群“大老爷们”陪着你战斗也有些太没...

interstellar battle is actually very romantic! Inventory of the "star legend" hero beauty in the "star of the legend of the world, the gentlemen players play that sailing in the vast Xinghai a free heart captain, led the numerous strange heroes fighting. In these heroes, there is no lack of such as fire, human like tough heavy artillery. However, if in the long interstellar voyage is a group of "milord" accompany you fight there too...

标签: 星际传奇