新关注 > 信息聚合 > 亚马再立功 《我的世界:故事版》发售日及售价曝光

亚马再立功 《我的世界:故事版》发售日及售价曝光

Yama commit a crime again, "my world: the story version of" sale price and the exposure of sina

2015-09-08 06:07:41来源: 新浪

由Telltale研发的《我的世界:故事版》早已成了无数玩家最期待的作品,然而在漫长的等待后我们还是不知道它将在何时与玩家们见面。不过一向消息靠谱的亚马逊就在不久前再一次为大家带来了福音:如果不出意外的话,《我的世界:故事版》会在今年10月27日发售。 通过亚马逊来了解游戏发售日期虽...

developed by telltale "my world: version of the story" has already become the numerous internationally the most anticipated works. However, after a long wait we still don't know it will when with the players meet. But has always been a good news on the Amazon in the near future once again to bring the gospel: if you do not have an accident, my world: the story will be released in October 27th this year. Through Amazon to understand the game on sale date...

标签: 我的世界