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哈尔滨到武汉? 玩家《我的世界》行走创记录

Harbin to Wuhan? Internationally, "my world" walking record

2015-09-06 17:47:01来源: 178游戏网

在2011年,Kurt J Mac就有一个很伟大的想法:在《我的世界》中走的路程创造吉尼斯世界纪录。而到2015年4月,这个来自亚利桑那州菲尼克斯城的哥们已经走了2,097,152个方格了,相当于2000多公里,大概是从哈尔滨到武汉的距离。 虽然现在已经走了很长的路了,但是这才算完成K...

in 2011 and Kurt J. MAC has a great idea: the distance walked in "my world" to create the Guinness Book of world records. And by April 2015, the man from Arizona, Feinikesi City, has gone 2097152 boxes, and the equivalent of more than 2000 kilometers, about the distance from Harbin to Wuhan. Although it has been a long way to go, this is the only way to complete the K...

标签: 玩家 我的世界