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DNF天帝大转移后刷图加点 dnf阿修罗全技能解析

The DNF transfer after the brush map add DNF full analytical skills

2015-09-06 14:27:59来源: TechWeb

DNF天帝刷图加点 dnf阿修罗全技能解析 昨天上线,发现阿修罗好给力啊,全程压制,气场十足,伤害不俗又不失帅气 下面是个人建议加点,使用于所有副本,无间隙输出加点!! 1.魔法暴击——这个不解释必须满 2.魔法背击——这个也满,主要是为了不动,姿势很重要,背对着boss转绝对给...

DNF emperor Asura brush map add DNF Asura full analytical skills on the line yesterday, found Asura good awesome ah, full of repression, full of energy, good damage and not to lose the handsome following is proposed, used in all copies, gapless output relay 1!! magic crit -- this is not explained must be 2 hit back -- this is full, mainly to real, posture is very important, boss to turn back to the absolute...

标签: DNF