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狩猎大戏接二连三 《怪物猎人开拓记》9月开测

Hunting drama after another "monster hunter development in mind," September open test

2015-09-02 14:19:41来源: 电玩巴士

随着暑假的结束,又到了开学的季节,这也标志着距离《怪物猎人开拓记》正式开测的日子,越来越近了。精彩的狩猎大戏也将接二连三上演。 《怪物猎人》大IP战略自发布以来,就倍受玩家瞩目。《怪物猎人OL》将于今年下半年开启不删档,而《怪物猎人开拓记》首测也已经定档9月。由此可以看出腾讯游戏的战...

with the end of the summer vacation, but also to the school season, which also marks the distance the monster hunter development "to open a formal test of days, more and more close. The wonderful hunting drama will also be staged one after another. "Monster Hunter" IP strategy since the release, it has been much attention to players. "Monster hunter OL" will open in the second half of this year is not deleted file, and the "Monster Hunter" first test has been set file in September. From this can be seen Tencent games...

标签: 怪物猎人