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The movie "Monster Hunter" was released early on December 30

2020-10-06 13:56:22来源: 游戏时光

  索尼宣布,保罗·安德森(Paul W. S. Anderson)执导的《怪物猎人》电影的上映日从 2021 年 4 月 23 日提前到 2020 年 12 月 30 日。在一众从 2020 年推迟到 2021 年的大制作电影之中可谓是逆势而为。  这部电影的导演保罗·安德森,之前执导过所有《生化危机》真人电影。《生化危机》系列的主演米拉·乔沃维奇也将出演该片主角,另外,她还是导演的妻子。  《怪物猎人》电影原定于 2020 年 9 月上映,但在今年年初宣布推迟。本月,影片公布了首支预告片,但非常短。  此外,这个新上映日原本是索尼另一部电影《密室逃生2》的上映日期,因此《密室逃生2》被移到了 2021 年,具体日期尚未公布。来源:GameSpot

Sony announced that the release date of "Monster Hunter" directed by Paul W. S. Anderson was advanced from April 23, 2021 to December 30, 2020. In a large number of large-scale films postponed from 2020 to 2021, it can be said that it is against the trend. Paul Anderson, the director of the film, has directed all the live action films of the biochemical crisis before. Mira Jovovich, the star of the biochemical crisis series, will also play the leading role in the film, and she is also the director's wife. "Monster Hunter" was originally scheduled for release in September 2020, but it was postponed earlier this year. This month, the film released its first trailer, but it was very short. In addition, the new release date was originally the release date of another Sony movie "escape from the secret room 2", so "escape from secret room 2" was moved to 2021, and the specific date has not been announced. Source: gamespot

标签: 怪物猎人 电影