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开发者介绍《最终幻想7 重制版》的有趣小情报

The developer introduces the interesting information of "Final Fantasy 7 reprint"

2020-08-05 15:16:35来源: 游戏时光

  《最终幻想7 重制版》已于今年 4 月发售,获得了媒体与玩家们的广泛好评,并宣布第二部分已进入全面开发期。最近本作的联合总监兼场景设计师鸟山求接受了采访,介绍了一些与游戏相关的有趣情报。  提问:我们在游戏中第七区的贫民窟能够听到《最终幻想7》的主题曲,选择这首曲子的原因是什么?  鸟山:在《最终幻想7 重制版》中,玩家会多次回到第 7 七区的贫民窟,我们打算让这个地方成为整个游戏的枢纽地区,所以我们想让这里有家的感觉 —— 一个舒适的地方。因此我们选用了《最终幻想7》的主题曲,这首在原版游戏中会在世界地图界面播放的曲子。《最终幻想7 重制版》的故事只发生在米德加,于是我们选择了原版游戏中的一些适合重制版里特别场景的曲子。  提问:蒂法在酒吧第七天堂制作的饮料是什么?  鸟山:首先是广受欢迎的“第七天堂”,

"Final Fantasy 7 reprint" has been released in April this year, which has been widely praised by the media and players, and announced that the second part has entered the full development period. Recently, the co director and scene designer Niaoshan Qiu gave an interview and introduced some interesting information about the game. Question: we can hear the theme song of "Final Fantasy 7" in the slums of District 7. What is the reason for choosing this song? Niaoshan: in Final Fantasy 7 remake, players will return to the slums of area 7 and 7 many times. We intend to make this place the hub of the whole game, so we want to make it feel like home - a comfortable place. So we chose the theme song of "Final Fantasy 7", which will be played on the world map interface in the original game. "Final Fantasy 7 reprint" story only happened in midga, so we chose some songs from the original game that were suitable for special scenes in the reproduction. Question: what is Tifa's drink made in bar seventh heaven? Niaoshan: first of all, it is a popular "seventh paradise",

标签: 最终幻想