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时光流逝信仰不变 回顾英雄联盟四年打法变迁

Belief in the passage of time invariant review hero alliance four years play change bus

2015-08-31 11:27:23来源: 巴士LOL

英雄联盟很快就要迎来自己在中国的四周年生日,但是实际上联盟其实已经历经了五个赛季,由于S1赛季中国还没有引入LOL,所以英雄联盟在中国只有四年的历史。不过在S1其实就已经有很多玩家在美服了解到这款游戏,那么今天就让我们从S1开始回忆一下关于英雄联盟的各大战术吧! 记忆模糊的S1 基本...

hero alliance very soon will usher in their in China the fourth anniversary of the birthday, but in fact the alliance in fact has gone through five seasons, due to the S1 season China has not yet introduced lol, so hero alliance in China only four years of history. But in fact, there are a lot of players in the S1 to understand the game, then today let us start from the S1 to recall the heroes of the major tactics of the league, the memory of the S1 basic...

标签: 英雄联盟