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《生化危机》电影重启 故事贴近游戏一二代

"Biochemical crisis" film restart story close to game one or two generations

2020-10-07 13:13:24来源: 游戏时光

  据 Deadline 报道,《生化危机》电影的制作公司 Constantin Film 将与编剧兼导演约翰内斯·罗伯茨合作,制作一部基于《生化危机》一代和二代改编的重启电影。  罗伯茨最为出名的作品是《鲨海》及其续集,他在采访中说到:  通过这部电影,我想回到系列最初的两款游戏,重新创造出我第一次玩到它们时感受到的恐怖体验。同时,讲述一个发生在没落美国小镇的、能让观众们感到共鸣的故事。  《移动迷宫》的 Kaya Scodelario 将饰演克莱尔,《蚁人》的汉娜·乔恩-卡门将饰演吉尔,美剧《上载新生》的罗比·阿美尔将饰演克里斯,《丧尸乐园2》的阿万·乔贾将扮演里昂。据悉,该项目还请到了美剧《黄石》的尼尔·麦克唐纳饰演威廉,美剧《伞学院》的汤姆·霍珀饰演威斯克。  克里斯扮演者罗比·阿美尔   这

Constantin film, the production company for the bio crisis film, will work with screenwriter and director Johannes Roberts to produce a relaunched film based on the first and second generations of biochemical crisis, according to deadline. Roberts, best known for his work "the shark sea" and its sequel, said in an interview: with this film, I want to go back to the first two games in the series and recreate the horror I felt when I first played them. At the same time, it tells a story in a declining American town that resonates with the audience. Kaya Scodelario of mobile Labyrinth will play Claire, Hannah Jon Carmen of ant man will play Jill, Robbie Amer of upload new life will play Chris, and arwan joja of zombie Paradise 2 will play Leon. It is reported that the project also invited Neil MacDonald of Yellowstone to play William, and Tom Hooper of Umbrella Academy to play Wesker. &Chris played by Robbie Amer