新关注 > 信息聚合 > 战略RPG《公主同盟》确定推出Switch中文版


Strategic RPG Princess alliance decided to launch Chinese version of switch

2020-10-07 16:04:27来源: 游戏时光

  Arc System Works 日前宣布,Sting 公司旗下的战略 RPG 《公主同盟》将推出 Switch 繁体中文版。  《公主同盟》是最早于 2006 年登陆 GBA 的游戏,作为《约束之地》的延续,整体玩法围绕回合制来设计,独特之处是加入了卡片系统。  本作的玩法很有深度,比如可以利用最多与五名队友合为一体的「同盟系统」痛击敌人,使用具有必杀技的「战术卡片」改变局势等等。  移植到 Switch 后,系统方面基于手机版保留了「倒转功能」「自动储存功能」「简单模式」「战斗速度调整」等便捷特性。此外还新增了透过隐藏操作发动的四种新功能,例如防止敌军和我军发生必杀,战斗开始时技能量表会是全满的状态等等。  《公主同盟》已于 2020 年 3 月 5 日登陆 Switch,但中文版的推出时间还未定。

Arc system works recently announced that Sting's strategic RPG, Princess alliance, will launch the traditional Chinese version of switch. "Princess alliance" is the first game that landed in GBA in 2006. As a continuation of "land of constraints", the overall playing method is designed around the turn system. The unique feature is that it has joined the card system. The play of this play is very deep. For example, you can use the "alliance system" which is integrated with up to five teammates to attack the enemy, and use the "tactics card" with killing skills to change the situation, etc. After being transplanted to switch, the system retains the convenient features of "reverse function", "automatic storage function", "simple mode", "battle speed adjustment" based on mobile phone version. In addition, there are four new functions launched through hidden operation, such as preventing the enemy and our army from being killed, and the skill scale will be full at the beginning of the battle, and so on. "Princess alliance" has been launched on switch on March 5, 2020, but the launch time of Chinese version has not been determined.

标签: Switch