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《虎妈猫爸爱消除》boss战打响 毕姥爷闪亮登场

The tiger mother cat Dad love to eliminate "boss battle started Burt grandpa shining debut in

2015-08-28 17:29:14来源: 不凡游戏网

随着动物家族在糖果世界中冒险不断的深入,毕姥爷不远万里的加入到了这个华丽丽的探险中,不过不要以为 他是来帮忙的哦,作为一个培养学霸的专业户,毕姥爷此行的目的,可是阻止茜茜在糖果的世界中越走越远,企图 让她安心的回到书桌前埋头苦读的哦。 毕姥爷看到糖果世界的诱惑,千里迢迢来到京...

with animal families in the candy world adventure will continue in-depth, Bi grandfather traveled long distances to join the expedition of the gorgeous in, but don't think that he is here to help Oh, as a specialist training school tyrants, Grandpa Bi trip, but stop sissy go farther and farther in the candy world between China and Vietnam, in an attempt to let her peace of mind back to my desk knuckled down to study the oh. Bi grandfather see candy world, all the way to beijing...