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Ps5 official disassembly demonstration: internal hardware at a glance

2020-10-07 21:03:39来源: 游戏时光

  索尼今日晚间放出了一段 PS5 的拆机视频,SIE 机械设计部门负责人对这台新主机的内外结构进行了简略地讲解,我们也得以一览 PS5 的内部硬件。  侧面黑色的部分可以看到三个 USB Type-A 接口、一个 USB Type-C 接口、一个 HDMI 输出接口、一个网线接口和一个电源接口。  值得一提的是,圆形的黑色底座可以拆卸下来,托住竖直或横向摆放的主机。底座扣住主机后就可以横向放置  索尼官方在博客中提到,他们团队奉行的宗旨是要设计出一个经过深思熟虑的“精美架构”,即使拆开主机,也需要呈现整齐划一切紧密结合的内部结构,没有任何多余的零件。风扇蓝光驱动器16GB系统内存中间的是自定义SSD单元用液态金属辅助散热散热器  针对这部拆解视频,后续我们还将带来更加细致的解读。

Sony released a video of ps5 dismantling this evening. The head of SIE's mechanical design department briefly explained the internal and external structure of the new host, and we can also see the internal hardware of ps5. The black part on the side shows three USB type-A interfaces, one USB type-C interface, one HDMI output interface, one network cable interface and one power interface. It is worth mentioning that the round black base can be disassembled to hold the host placed vertically or horizontally. The base can be placed horizontally after the base is fastened on the host. According to the official blog of Sony, the aim of their team is to design a well thought out "exquisite structure". Even if the host is disassembled, it is necessary to present a neat and tightly integrated internal structure without any spare parts. Fan Blu ray drive 16GB system memory is a custom SSD unit with liquid metal auxiliary heat sink in the middle. For this disassembly video, we will bring more detailed interpretation later.

标签: PS