新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《大战神》职业评测第三弹,萌软小牧师青萝


The green Luo "ares" career assessment of the third bomb, soft cute little priest green Luo

2015-08-28 16:48:21来源: 一游网

青萝 武器:环刺 上手难度:★★☆☆☆ 职业定位:辅助,奶妈 职业历史: “四天人”中的青萝,玩家所扮演的主角之一。她来历不明,即使是四天人的发起者媚娘也对她知晓不多,就连青萝这个名字,也是在第一次见面时,邪刃凭感觉临时给她起的。然而有一点大家都看在眼里,那就是青萝在...

green Luo weapons: Ring thorn difficult to get started:]]]]] career orientation: auxiliary nurse occupational history: "four between heaven and man", one of the players play the protagonist. She is of unknown origin, even is the initiator of the Niang of the four heaven also for she knows not, even the name of a green Luo and met for the first time, evil blade by feeling temporarily to give her up. But there is one thing that we see in the eyes, that is in the green luo...