新关注 > 信息聚合 > 以我观点说说那些无聊乱喷pK哥冥想的人


To my point of view about those boring PK pK meditation

2015-08-28 16:46:23来源: 17173

先说喷PK的说别人垃圾的 首先这只是游戏别人爱怎么玩怎么玩别人就是已杀人为乐趣,说别人垃圾的,再看看你自己身上的破装备别人都垃圾了你又算什么东西. 别人心里扭曲 怎么不看看自己平时心里又想的些什么这游戏我相信大多数人都有一种 看别人倒在自己面前的快感 至少我有.你冲这么多钱玩这游戏难...

first said that the first thing to talk about others waste is the game others love how to play with others is fun, say someone else's garbage, and then look at your own body and others are rubbish you and what kind of things...