新关注 > 信息聚合 > 四大特色引爆江湖 《新古龙群侠传》今日精英封测

四大特色引爆江湖 《新古龙群侠传》今日精英封测

Characteristics of the four to detonate all corners of the country "new Gulong heroes biography" today's elite packaging and testing

2015-08-28 16:40:00来源: 不凡游戏网


qianhuwanhuan beginning out, the giant's first leg of the tour the new Gulong heroes "elite beta to 11:00 today officially opened. Since the official open beta booking activities since the reservation number, the rapid growth of game player, game player remarkable enthusiasm. The new Gulong heroes biography "travel according to the Cologne novel genuine authorized adaptation, Meng Q character image to build an Oriental Fantasy martial arts, players can free choice camp confrontation, and collect the massive knight, and experience the unique...