新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《伊苏 起源》Switch中文版将于2020年秋季发售

《伊苏 起源》Switch中文版将于2020年秋季发售

The Chinese version of switch will be available in autumn 2020

2020-07-08 17:02:22来源: 游戏时光

  我们在此前曾报道过 Falocm 旗下王道 RPG《伊苏 起源》将登陆 Switch 平台。现在有个好消息要告诉大家,本次移植 Switch 平台,游戏将推出中文版,并且确定会于 2020 年秋季发售,售价 228 港币(约合人民币 206 元)。  大家不必担心语言问题了。视频地址

We have previously reported that falocm's Royal RPG "the origin of the Soviet Union" will be launched on the switch platform. Now there is good news to tell you that the game will be launched in Chinese and will be sold in autumn 2020 at a price of HK $228 (about RMB 206). You don't have to worry about the language. Video address

标签: Switch