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E-sports: game manufacturers control everything

2020-10-08 10:00:00来源: 触乐

2008年,年仅16岁的詹姆斯·尤班克斯立志成为世界头号“使命召唤”玩家。尤班克斯在弗吉尼亚州长大,拥有所有新款主机和专门配置的游戏PC,他家还是整条街上第一户使用宽带的家庭。除了上学、兼职打工和谈恋爱之外,尤班克斯每天都会玩“使命召唤”,努力提升自己在游戏里的排名。 后来,人们熟悉了他在游戏里的ID——Clayster。 当时,参加电竞比赛还不是一条成熟的职业道路,不过市场上逐渐出现了一些组织相对松散的赛事。赛事奖金和竞争的激烈程度每年都会上升,尤班克斯也变得越来越有名了。 随着《英雄联盟》和《星际争霸2》赛事风靡全球,电竞行业飞速发展,吸引了许多赞助商的关注。“使命召唤”背后的动视也开始从另一个视角

In 2008, at the age of 16, James & amp; middot; Eubanks set out to become the world's No. 1 & amp; amp; call of Duty & amp; player. Yubanks grew up in Virginia with all the new mainframes and specially configured game PCs, and his family was the first on the street to use broadband. In addition to going to school, part-time jobs and falling in love, youbanks plays & amp; quot; call of Duty & amp; rdquo; every day, trying to improve its ranking in the game.

标签: 游戏 电子竞技